Steve and Katie plan to send in their mail-in ballots by any means necessary. Released on November 2, 2020. The Carsons created by Noah Cutwright Directed by Noah Cutwright & Jimmy Taylor Produced by Noah Cutwright, Demetrick McDonald & Jimmy Taylor Written by Noah Cutwright Storyboarded by Noah Cutwright, Margot Gordan & Zharia Rahn Music & SFX by Colin Andrew Grant |
The Carsons is an animated mockumentary sitcom, which follows the lives of an upper-lower-middle class African-American family known as the Carsons, which consists of newly-weds, Steve and Katie, their baby, Nicole, and their anthropomorphic mutt and semi-retired R&B singer, Buddy. The show is set in the city of Los Angeles and exhibits much of its humor in the form of humor infused with everyday conflict and characters with strange personalities. The Carsons is an ensemble show and is presented in mockumentary style, with the characters frequently talking directly into the camera.